Matthew's Story in PAMAS

Matthew shares his experiences in PAMAS and how it has become a blessing to him.

Relief Operations In The Jungles

PAMAS and Palawan Helicopter Partnership was able to distribute 400 relief goods to the jungles and to some lowlanders. It was all impossible to help them without your prayers and support. Thank you, and to God be all the glory!

Kaylin's Story in PAMAS

Kaylin shares his experiences in PAMAS and how it has become a blessing to her.


Discover the inspiring story of a missionary teacher who braves the challenges of the jungle in Palawan, and finds strength in her faith to overcome obstacles and make a difference in the lives of those around her.

The Little Helping Hand

God never asks for great abilities or skills, He only wants to see our willingness to serve and to be used for His glory. Nothing is ever little in the work of God because all that we do and we give for Him, He will use it. As the song goes, "little becomes much when you place it in the Master's hands". Are you willing to be used and give all that you have for Him today?